From: US
Real Name: Jared Elwood
Rogue Eclipsae is a professional Fortnite player for team Rogue, a competitive gaming organization involved in games like Rainbow Six Siege, Smash and Fortnite. You may know of Rogue through one of the more popular members and Twitch streamers, Dr Lupo. Eclipsae joined the team back in July of 2019 and has been playing for them ever since. His previous team was Bolt Esports, and he was a part of them for just a few months. Currently he is competing in the Fortnite squad tournament with his teammates Ghost Bizzle, FaZe Megga and FaZe Dubs. Since he is so good at the game and continues to dominate in tournaments, many people wonder what Rogue Eclipsae’s settings are.

Rogue Eclipsae Fortnite Keybind Settings
Wall | Q |
Floor | N |
Stairs | Mouse 4 |
Roof | Mouse 5 |
Trap | F5 |
Use | E/p> |
Building Edit | G |
Reload / Rotate | R |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Sprint by Default | On |
Inventory | I |
Map | H |

Rogue Eclipsae Fortnite Mouse Settings
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity X | 0.080 |
Sensitivity Y | 0.080 |
Hz | 125 |
Targeting Sensitivity | 0.450 |
Scope Sensitivity | 0.300 |
Rogue Eclipsae Twitch
Rogue Eclipsae’s Twitch is https://www.twitch.tv/eclipsae. You will most likely find him streaming competitive Fortnite late in the day, which is typically when professional players scrim with one another. If you want to see just how good he is at the game, make sure you check out his stream.
Rogue Eclipsae Age
Rogue Eclipsae’s age is not currently posted for the public to see. If you know how old he is let us know so we can update this!
Rogue Eclipsae Instagram
Eclipsae does not currently have an Instagram, so we will not list one here. If he makes one let us know so we can update his page.
Rogue Eclipsae Twitter
Rogue Eclipsae’s Twitter is https://twitter.com/eciipsae?lang=en. Make sure to give him a follow, as this is where he posts short clips from in game. He also is able to share his opinions on the current state of competitive Fortnite and the game in general.