NRG benjyfishy is a Fortnite player for team NRG, an esports team that competes in games like Apex Legends, CS:GO, Fortnite etc. They’re investors include incredibly successful people like Shaquille O’Neil, Alex Rodriguez and Jennifer Lopez. With the help from these celebrities and the rest of their leadership team, NRG is trying to create the ideal esports team for many years to come.
NRG benjyfishy has been playing Fortnite since back in 2018, but was only picked pu and signed to NRG since March of 2019, just before the qualifiers for the Fortnite World Cup. According to his mother, he grew up playing sports like cricket and bowling, and then eventually got into gaming at an early age. His strong work ethic and natural talent have allowed him to get to where he is today.
Out of all of the Fortnite professionals, NRG benjyfishy has one of the more heartfelt stories. His dad passed away at an early age and he now lives in a one bedroom house with his mother. She works three jobs to support him, and his goal before going into the Fortnite World Cup was to win and buy his family a new home. I think this is where a lot of benjyfishy’s work ethic comes from when it comes to Fortnite, and why he is so talented at the game.

How much money did NRG benjyfishy win at the Fortnite World Cup?
NRG benjyfishy played in the Fornite World Cup for duos as well as solos. His partner for duos was NRG MrSavage, and they were able to place 14th and secure a total prize of $100,000. Their ability to communicate effectively and perform well in clutch situations is what led them to doing so well.
In solos, however, benjyfishy was not able to place as high. After a long tournament, he placed 25th overall and won $50,000. He was playing against the best Fortnite players in the world, so this placement is not bad at all. I know that the competitive spirit in him wanted to place higher than he did though.
In total, NRG benjyfishy was able to take home $100,000 from the Fortnite World Cup. He won a total of $150,000, but he had to split his duo earnings with his partner. No matter how he performed in the tournament, benjyfishy is still one of the top Fortnite players in the world for even making it to the World Cup.
NRG benjyfishy’s Trio for the Fornite Champion Series
NRG benjyfishy’s trio for the Fortnite Champion Series includes mitr0 and FaZe Mongraal. This team is one of the most dominating trios in the European region as they are consistently on the top of the leaderboards week after week. Their most recent victory was week 5 of the series where they were able to secure a total of 161 points. They were 9 whole points in front of second place due to their ability to communicate effectively and stay calm under pressure. They also came in first the week before, and have placed either first or second in all other weeks.
If you want to tune into the action, make sure you go to one of their Twitch channels and see if they are streaming. They tend to stream every day and are either playing in one of the trio tournaments or practicing in scrimmages with other pro players. Definitely keep and eye out for this trio when the Fortnite Champion Series finals come around. They have proven they can dominate their region, so it will be interesting how they perform against the top competitors from other parts of the world.
NRG benjyfishy Fortnite Keybind Settings
- Wall Q
- Floor Mouse 5
- Stairs C
- Roof F
- Trap V
- Use MW Down
- Building Edit E
- Reload / Rotate R
- Crouch L-Ctrl
- Sprint By Default On
- Inventory L-Alt / I
- Map M
NRG benjyfishy Fortnite Mouse Settings
- DPI 800
- Sensitivity X 0.140
- Sensitivity Y 0.140
- Hz 500
- Targeting Sensitivity 0.700
- Scope Sensitivity 0.700
Secret Domentos – Fortnite Player for Team Secret – EGO
[…] is a European player so he plays on the EU servers with players like Mongraal (his duo partner) and benjyfishy. His home is located in Latvia, and he is one of the very few professional Fortnite players from […]