Modern Warfare Achievement Guides
Call of Duty Modern Warfare is the 16th and most recent addition to the iconic first person video game series. The game was published by Activision and is available to play on Microsoft Windows, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Like many older Call of Duty titles, the game features an actioned packed campaign as well as a handful of fast paced multiplayer modes. Initially the game faced some controversy for portraying very realistic and shocking subject matter including the use of child soldiers and the ability to kill innocent civilians. Despite its early trouble, the game has received favorable reviews from old and new Call of Duty fans alike. Modern Warfare does a great job of bringing back the classic CoD feel for old fans while also adding new flare to keep the old formula a bit more interesting.
One of the features of the game that many fans like is the ability to complete a long list of achievements while playing through exhilarating and detailed missions. The campaign features CIA officers and British SAS forces and their attempt to help the rebels of a fictional country called Urzikstan. Russian forces have invaded the country and they are fighting back for their freedom. Completing every achievement while in the midst of chaos can prove to be quite challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing. Below are complete guides with step by step directions on how to complete each Modern Warfare achievement in the easiest and most efficient way. If you’re struggling to complete a certain achievement, or are just looking for the best way to do it, check out the posts below.
Ashes to Ashes Achievement

What is the Modern Warfare Ashes to Ashes Achievement?
The Ashes to Ashes achievement in Modern Warfare requires you to burn 4 enemies with a single molotov. This may sound challenging but if you attempt it during the right mission you should be able to accomplish it quite easily. The molotov is a good weapon for doing a lot of damage in one area, so you will want to make sure your enemies are close to each other when you throw one at them.
How to Complete it
In order to complete the Ashes to Ashes achievement, you will need to make it to mission 4: Proxy War. The mission begins with a missile hitting a nearby base, and you then begin to storm the base with your fellow squad mates. You start out the mission killing members of the base while weaving in and out of their gunfire. There are dozens of enemies shooting on the ground and even a few helicopters in the air.
These helicopters shoot at you and also drop off enemies on the ground, which is the key to satisfying this achievement. The first helicopter that lands will have 4 enemies on the side waiting to get off. As soon as they get off, you are going to want to throw the molotov at the ground they are standing on. The helicopter will fly away leaving the enemies to burn up in the flames.
The only problem with this method is that sometimes the helicopter will only be carrying two or three enemies. If this is the case you can either restart at the checkpoint, or you can wait for four enemies to group together naturally. If you stand on the helipad where the helicopter lands, enemies tend to gather up next to one another on the side. You can use this method if you keep getting stuck with too few enemies on the helicopter.
Achievement Difficulty
In our opinion, the Ashes to Ashes achievement is one of the easier ones to complete. It may seem hard to get 4 enemies to stand close enough to be hit by the flames, but if you attempt it during mission 4 you should not have much trouble. The sheer amount of enemies that you have to go up against during the mission makes it easier to find 4 enemies in proximity of one another.
Pit Stop Achievement

What is the Modern Warfare Pit Stop Achievement?
The Pit Stop achievement in Modern Warfare requires you to stop three APC’s with Hadir’s sniper rifle. Hadir is a supporting character in the campaign and fights in the Urzikstan Liberation Force. He serves as a combat Lieutenant and fights to free his country from Russian occupation. Hadir lost his family at an early age, and he and his sister grew up in prison without any guidance. This led to a violent and unpredictable future.
How to Complete it
In order to complete the Pit Stop achievement in Modern Warfare, you are going to need to get to mission 8: Highway of Death. The mission is relatively long, and you spend most of your time up on a perch with a sniper rifle. After shooting a few mortars, you will quickly be rushed by a suicide truck. This is the first vehicle you will need to take out before the APC’s come at you later in the mission.
In order to stop the truck, you want to shoot the front windshield two times and strip the vehicle of its protective armor. This will leave the driver exposed to your bullets if your aim is precise enough. It is a bit difficult to hit the driver when the truck is still far away, so take your time and wait until he gets closer to you. After stopping the truck you will need to spend a bit more time taking out enemies.
Eventually you will get to a point where four APC tanks approach from the left side. These are the vehicles you need to destroy three of. This is accomplished by shooting out three of the tires on one side of the vehicle. Be careful though, if you only shoot one tire and then move on, the APC will fill it back up and keep moving. Make sure you focus on one vehicle at a time and shoot out all three tires before they fill back up.
After shooting out enough tires and stopping three APC’s, you will receive the Pit Stop achievement.
Achievement Difficulty
In our opinion, the Pit Stop achievement in Modern Warfare is of medium difficulty. This is only because of the precision that is required to complete the whole level. It is also a bit difficult to shoot out three tires quickly enough so that none of them get refilled. Nonetheless, if you are a good sniper and your accuracy is decent, you should be able to complete the level with ease.
Hang Time Achievement

What is the Modern Warfare Hang Time achievement?
The Hang Time achievement in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare requires you to kill three enemies while you are on a ladder. Completing this achievement will give you 20 gamerscore. If you played Modern Warfare 2 back in the day, completing this achievement may bring back some good memories. Killing people off of ladders in the multiplayer mode was as satisfying as anything else in the game.
How to Complete it
If you want to complete the Hang Time achievement, the easiest mission to do it on is mission 10: The Wolf’s Den. You will want to turn your difficulty to recruit so it is easier to kill your enemies. As you are going through the mission, you will come to a point where you fall down a hole and go through a tunnel. You eventually get to a point where everything is on fire, which is where you will complete the achievement.
From here there will be three sets of ladders you need to climb up. As you are ascending, look around on the different levels for people you can kill on the way. Make sure you do not jump off the ladder, as this will not count for the achievement. The easiest way to do it is to hang on to the top of the ladder and shoot over the edge. This way your body is completely protected from your enemies and only your head is showing.
The mission does end when you get to the top of all three ladders, so make sure you complete the achievement before you stop climbing.
Achievement Difficulty
In our opinion, the Hang Time achievement is one of the easier achievements to complete. If you set your game difficulty to recruit, it will take no time at all to kill three enemies while on a ladder. You can, however, make the achievement harder by raising your game difficulty to something higher. Try out each option and see what works for you.