From: US
Real Name: Alex Bonetello
Liquid Fiber is a Fortnite Player for Team Liquid, a competitive gaming organization that competes in games like League of Legends and Dota 2. You might know Liquid Fiber from when he competed in the Fortnite World Cup. He played exceptionally well in this tournament and was actually able to place first in one of the warm up games. Because he is so good, many people wonder what Liquid Fiber’s Fortnite settings are. Liquid Fiber’s Fortnite settings are unique, as most Fortnite players just play with whatever feels comfortable to them.
Liquid Fiber Fortnite Keybind Settings
Wall | 4 |
Floor | Q |
Stairs | 5 |
Roof | E |
Trap | T |
Use | MW Down |
Building Edit | F |
Reload / Rotate | R |
Crouch | C |
Sprint by Default | On |
Inventory | Tab |
Map | L-Ctrl |
Liquid Fiber Fortnite Mouse Settings
DPI | 800 |
Sensitivity X | 0.080 |
Sensitivity Y | 0.080 |
Hz | 1000 |
Targeting Sensitivity | 0.700 |
Scope Sensitivity | 0.700 |
Khanada Fortnite Settings – EGO
[…] wanted to join team Liquid and this was his way of expressing it. He often plays with people like Liquid Fiber and Tfue, as they were a trio during the Fortnite Champion Series. Because he is so good, many […]
Liquid Cented Settings, Keybinds and Mouse Sensitivity | EGO
[…] professionally and will continue to compete and earn more money. His teammates include players like Liquid Fiber and Liquid Riversan. Liquid Cented’s Fortnite Settings are definitely some of the best out […]