Among Us is a game that has quickly risen to popularity. It is classified as a social deduction game that involves weeding out the imposters among your group. Figuring out how to play can be difficult at first if you have never played a game like this. We’ll go over the key components of the game later on, but for now lets start out with the overall goal.
What is the goal?
The goal of among us is to win the game. This may look different depending on which side you are on. The game has two sides; the crewmates and the imposters. If you are a crewmate your goal is to complete your assigned tasks without dying. If you’re an imposter your goal is to kill as many crew mates as you can without being discovered.
Tips for crewmates:
- Always make sure you are completing your tasks
- Move around in groups and try not to travel alone
- Gather as much information as you can about your fellow crewmates
Tips for imposters:
- Build up the trust of the crewmates
- Use the vents to move around the map quickly
- Pretend to do tasks so the crewmates don’t suspect you
How do you kill people in among us?
In order to kill people in Among Us, you have to be the imposter. You will know you are the imposter if the game tells you at the start. If you know the imposter, its time to start killing people!
To kill people in Among Us, you need to stand next to someone and press the “kill” button in the bottom right corner. You will notice this button only lights up when you are within range, and cannot be pressed if you are too far away.

Can you play among us alone?
Yes, you can play Among Us alone, however it can be fun with a group of friends. Don’t be afraid to play on your own though! Among Us has a great community and I’m sure you will meet some great people while playing the game. Just go into it with an open mind and the goal to have fun.
What does AFK mean?
AFK is a common term used by people that play Among Us. It stands for ‘away from keyboard’ and is when a player stops moving because they are away from their phone or PC. This can be quite annoying to some players but it will happen from time to time. Don’t worry if someone does go AFK though, it is usually not too big of a deal.
Why is Among Us so popular now?
Among Us is popular now for two reasons; streamers and memes. Many big streamers like TFue and xQc started playing the game with their friends which added to its already rising popularity. This brought thousands of new eyes to the game and opened it up to a wider audience.
Another reason the game is so popular is because of the hundreds of memes that have circulated the internet. Meme culture is responsible for the rise in popularity of many things such as shows, products and games like Among US. Some of the funniest Among Us memes come from the chat feature on mobile, and there is actually a whole Twitter account devoted to them.