The gold peacekeeper in Apex Legends is one of the best guns in the game. This weapon allows you to do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and is good from close to medium range. There have been many nerfs to this weapon but it is still very much a viable option.
The thing that makes the gold peacekeeper in Apex great is the “Precision Choke” hop-up that comes attached to the weapon. This attachment decreases the bullet spread and increases the damage done to your opponents. It does add a charge up time to the weapon, but it is definitely worth it for the extra damage.
How to Charge up the Gold Peacekeeper in Apex
In order to get the most out of the gold peacekeeper in Apex, you want to equip the precision choke attachment and charge up each shot. Charging up the gold peacekeeper in Apex is as simple as aiming down your sights. You will know the weapon is charged up when you see a blue circle as your crosshairs.
If you stop aiming down your sights without shooting, the weapon will become uncharged, so make sure you are paying attention.

How to use the Gold Peacekeeper in Apex
The best way to use the gold peacekeeper is to predict the movement of your enemy so you can time the charge up effectively. The weapon does the most damage at the peak of the charge up, so I like to charge up the gun and wait for my enemies if I know they are around the corner. Also, make sure you are aiming for the head, as headshots do more damage.
You can also hip-fire at your enemies for a larger bullet spread and slightly decreased damage. This helps with aiming at enemies that are up in your face or strafing around you.
How to Find the Gold Peacekeeper in Apex
Apex Legends has incorporated “hot drops” into its game which allows players the opportunity to receive better loot. Apex Legends hot zones are full of high tier loot and attract a lot of people out of the drop ship. The gold peacekeeper in Apex can most likely be found here.
If you land here, be prepared to fight, because you are probably not alone. This zone is high risk and high reward. Some might argue that the gold peacekeeper in apex is worth having to fight off some enemies in the beginning of the game, but that is up to you to decide.

Common Questions about the Gold Peacekeeper in Apex
What attachments come with the gold peacekeeper in apex?
The attachments that come with the gold peacekeeper in apex are the golden optic attachment, the shotgun bolt attachment and the precision choke hop-up attachment.
How much damage does the gold peacekeeper in Apex do?
Body shot: 110
Headshot: 165
What is the mag size for the gold peacekeeper in Apex?
Mag size: 6
What is the RPM (fire rate) for the gold peacekeeper in Apex?
RPM: 58
What is the projectile speed for the gold peacekeeper in Apex?
Projectile Speed: 16000