Ghost Fortnite settings

Ghost Ghoul Fortnite Settings

Ghost Ghoul Settings
Region: NA East
From: Canada
Real Name: Wade Manley


Ghost Ghoul is a Fortnite player for Ghost Gaming, an organization that competes in various games including Gears of War, PUBG and Fortnite. He is among teammates like Ghost Aydan and Ghost Dmo, who also play Fortnite professionally. Ghost Ghoul Fortnite settings are what you would expect from a professional Fortnite player. He has been making a name for himself in the pro gaming scene and has almost 2000 total wins on the game. It will be interesting to see what he is able to accomplish in upcoming Fortnite tournaments.

Fortnite Keybind Settings

Ghost Ghoul Fortnite Keybind Settings

RoofLeft Shift
UseMW Down
Building EditE
Reload / RotateR
Sprint by DefaultOn
Fortnite Mouse Settings

Ghost Ghoul Fortnite Mouse Settings

Sensitivity X0.070
Sensitivity Y0.070
Targeting Sensitivity1.000
Scope Sensitivity1.000

Ghost Ghoul Twitch

Ghost Ghoul’s Twitch is He tends to stream Fortnite when he and his team are playing pro scrims, or if he is just playing for fun. Make sure to tune in if you want to see his skills for yourself.

Ghost Ghoul Age

Ghost Ghoul’s birthday is not currently public information. If you know how old he is let us know so we can update this!

Ghost Ghoul Instagram

Ghost Ghoul does not currently have an Instagram. If he makes one let us know so we can update this! Many professional Fortnite players will have Instagram accounts to stay connected with their fans and try to build a brand for themselves.

Ghost Ghoul Twitter

Ghost Ghoul’s Twitter is He frequently tweets about Fortnite and the various tournaments he competes in. If you want to stay up to date with the Fortnite community definitely give him a follow.

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