From: US
Real Name: Noam Ackenine
FaZe Megga is a professional Fortnite player for FaZe Clan, a gaming organization involved in Fortnite, CS:GO, and Call of Duty. Megga joined FaZe clan on May 4th, 2019 and quickly became one of the bigger names in the Fortnite community. He has competed in multiple Fortnite tournaments and has won more than $250,000 from playing the game. One of his biggest accomplishments was coming 7th place in the duos portion of the Fortnite World Cup with his teammate FaZe Dubs. Because he is so good, many people wonder what FaZe Megga’s Fortnite settings are.

FaZe Megga Fortnite Keybind Settings
Wall | Z |
Floor | X |
Stairs | C |
Roof | Q |
Trap | T |
Use | E |
Building Edit | F |
Reload / Rotate | R |
Crouch | L-Ctrl |
Sprint by Default | Off , L-Shift |
Inventory | I |
Map | Tab |

FaZe Megga Fortnite Mouse Settings
DPI | 1600 |
Sensitivity X | 0.027 |
Sensitivity Y | 0.031 |
Hz | 1000 |
Targeting Sensitivity | 0.204 |
Scope Sensitivity | 0.366 |
FaZe Dubs Fortnite Settings – EGO
[…] in games like Call of Duty, CS:GO, and Fortnite. His duo partner in the Fortnite World Cup was FaZe Megga. Despite their great performance, FaZe Dubs’ rise to fame was filled with controversy. When […]
FaZe EwOk Fortnite Settings - EGO
[…] in games like Fortnite, CS:GO, and Call of Duty. Her teammates include players like FaZe Dubs and FaZe Megga. FaZe EwOk is the first girl to ever join the organization as a player, so it was big news when she […]
FaZe Mongraal Settings, Keybinds and Mouse Sensitivity
[…] FaZe Megga […]