This is about Classic World of Warcraft, the most influential MMO-RPG, and one of the best video games ever made. It’s a blast to the past, the first version of World of Warcraft, released 15 years ago, back when players played on PC’s that looked like something you’d see in an Apollo 11 movie. Suck it Russia. If you’ve never played WoW some of the terms used below might confuse you, I’ll do my best to explain.

What is Classic World of Warcraft?
I can tell you it’s a lot different from the retail WoW you’ve come to expect. It’s desolate, at times it’s lonely, and more often than not it’s a grind, however, that doesn’t mean you should give up on your quest to 60. Keep in mind that getting there will likely be the most significant thing you do in classic wow. Rough, I know. So unless you’re a hardcore raider or a streamer who gets paid to play video games, stop and answer this question: “How much is 200 hours of my time worth.”. At a decent entry-level job that pays 10-12 an hour, that’s over $2,000 that you could’ve made in the time it will take you to get to level 60. That said, I’m all for it.
How long will it take to get to level 60 in Classic World of Warcraft?
It will take you over 200 hours to get to level 60 in Classic World of Warcraft. The fastest player got to level 60 in a fraction of that time: 3 days, 20 hours and 40 minutes. That’s half the time the average classic WoW player will take to get to level 60. He/She is a true hero.

How to Twink in Classic World of Warcraft
This was my first thought when I heard about classic WoW’s re-release, and it might be for a lot of people. Twinking was WoW’s greatest unintentional feature, in its prime twinks could queue for arena’s, could run old content, and most importantly, could queue into battlegrounds with other non-twinks.
If you want to know how to twink in classic World of Warcraft you should consider this:
- Battlegrounds won’t come into the game for another 6+ months. Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch are both scheduled for Phase 3 and we’re currently in Phase 1, with no release date for Phase 2.
- You’re going to need gold, and there’s not much of it at the moment. Gold is introduced to the game in the form of mobs, quest rewards and selling items to vendors. This means that as more people play and complete quests the more gold there is in the world. There isn’t much gold circulating Azeroth at the moment, and it will take some time for there to be a serious amount of wealth generated.
For now, focus on leveling.