Blue Pump Shotgun in Fortnite

The blue pump shotgun in Fortnite is one of the best weapons in the game because of it’s high damage per shot. The shotguns in Fortnite have bullet spread which gets bigger as the distance increases. If you want to use the shotguns in Fortnite successfully, make sure you stay close to your enemy and hit with as many bullets as you can.

One of the original shotguns, the blue pump shotgun, has been around since season one. It deals high damage but it shoots slow relative to the other shotgun options. This weapon is deadly if you have high accuracy and precision. Over the seasons, this shotgun has been vaulted and unvaulted, but it is currently in the game.

Many competitive players prefer the pump shotgun over the other options available at the moment. This is due to it’s high damage potential. The high accuracy of professional players allows them to kill enemies in one or two shots. If you want to get rid of your enemies with efficiency, the pump shotgun in Fortnite is definitely the best option.

Blue Pump Shotgun in Fortnite

Fortnite Pump Shotgun Stats

Green Pump Shotgun:

DPS: 66.5

Damage: 95

Mag Size: 5

Blue Pump Shotgun:

DPS: 70

Damage: 100

Mage Size: 5

Blue Pump Shotgun in Fortnite

Where is the best place to use the blue pump shotgun in Fortnite?

My favorite place to use the blue pump shotgun in Fortnite is inside buildings in places like Retail Row and Salty Springs. If you can hear an enemy walking around, you can hide around the corner and catch them off guard. The pump shotgun allows you to kill your enemy in one shot if you can hit them in the head.

The pump shotgun is also good for box and build fights. Many skillful players fight each other from in and outside of boxes in an attempt to get an angle or a sneaky edit on their enemy. With the pump shotgun, it only takes one or two good shots to take down your enemy. This is especially useful when playing solos where you have to kill people quickly and avoid third party fights.

Fortnite Blue Pump Shotgun Headshot Damage

The headshot damage on the pump shotgun is the highest of any shotgun available to use. The green pump shotgun does 190 damage to the head, while the blue hits for 200. Your enemy will only ever have 200 health, so you will need the blue shotgun to kill them in one shot.

1 comment

  1. Gold Combat Shotgun in Fortnite – EGO

    […] like the blue pump shotgun in Fortnite, the best place to use the combat shotgun in Fortnite is anywhere on the map that allows for close […]

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