Pistols in PUBG may not be the most powerful weapon but when it comes to encounters in close range, a fully outfitted pistol can mean the difference between life and death. Pistols are by far the most common weapon to find in different buildings in PUBG which is why almost every player carries one; whether they intend to or not. Two of the most common pistols in PUBG include the PUBG P1911 pistol snd the P92 pistol. Both of these pistols are very common and used quite frequently in the game. Although the P92 is a little more popular in the eyes of most PUBG players, the P1911 deals greater damage. This is likely due to the heavier hitting .45 ACP bullets that the P1911 uses. Having the right pistol attachments in PUBG can make all the difference.
Here are the attachments you need to use with the P1911 Pistol in PUBG!
Best Sight/ Scope For The PUBG P1911 Pistol in PUBG! Which Sight/ Scope Works Best?
When it comes to choosing a sight for a pistol in PUBG your options are severely limited. Unfortunately PUBG does not allow you to use a holographic sight or a 2x scope on any pistol. Because you are unable to use a holographic sight or a 2x scope you are limited to two different options. One option is to use the hard sight that is built into the P1911 pistol. The other option is to use the red dot sight on the P1911 pistol.

Although the hard sights on the P1911 pistol are better than the hard sights on any other pistol in the game it is recommended that you use the red dot sight if given the option. If you are using a P1911 pistol and come across an extra red dot sight, use it. The red dot sight will help you hit your target more accurately when you use the sight. On the P92 pistol the red dot sight is halfway obstructed by the front of the gun. When using the red dot sight on the P1911 pistol in PUBG the red dot sight is completely clear allowing you to really hit your target.

Another great attachment to use with the P1911 pistol is the laser sight. Many players ask the question “does the laser sight help in PUBG?” The answer to this question is yes. When you are not using the sights on your pistol, AR, or submachine gun, the laser sight helps you line up your target so that your shots will be more accurate. Some people still refuse to use the laser sight but if you want your P1911 pistol to be as efficient as possible we recommend using the laser sight.
Best Mag (Magazine) for the PUBG P1911 Pistol! Which Pistol Mag Is the Best?
There are a few different magazine options for pistols in PUBG. They each have their own pros and cons. When it comes to choosing the right mag for the P1911 pistol in PUBG, it really depends on what is most important to you and your playing style. The first mag option is not really an option… it is the stock magazine that is in the P1911 when you find it. This mag holds 7 bullets and takes quite a while to reload once you have used up those bullets.
Extended Pistol Magazine in PUBG

If you are looking for a pistol in PUBG that holds a lot of ammunition you may want to steer clear of the P1911. If only there were a way to make the P1911 pistol hold more bullets. Oh wait… there is. If you want your P1911 pistol in PUBG to hold more bullets look no further than the extended pistol mag. Extended pistol mags are very common in PUBG and allow any pistol to hold more ammo. When you use an extended pistol mag with a P1911 pistol the capacity increases from 7 bullets to ___. These extra bullets make the P1911 a much more useful weapon. The downside to the extended pistol mag is that it takes a little bit longer to reload once all of the bullets have been expended.
If reloading speed is more important for you, you may want to try to find a quickdraw mag.
Quickdraw Pistol Mag in PUBG

If you often find yourself going nuts while you wait for your pistol magazine to reload once you have used all of your bullets you need to find a quickdraw pistol mag. This magazine shortens the reloading process and allows you to reload your magazine faster. This limits the amount of time you are sitting there like a fish and a barrel with no protection. If you are wondering where you will find quickdraw pistol mags don’t worry. They are very common. You can usually find quickdraw pistol mags in just about any large building with multiple floors. The downside to the quickdraw pistol mag in PUBG is that it does not increase the amount of bullets that the P1911 pistol can hold. The only advantage you gain with the quickdraw mag is shorter reloading times.
If you want the best of both worlds, like everyone else does, an extended quickdraw pistol mag is a necessity.
Extended Quickdraw Pistol Mag in PUBG

The mack daddy of all pistol magazines in PUBG is the extended quickdraw magazine. This pistol magazine will increase reloading speed while also increasing the number of bullets the P1911 pistol can hold. Having both of these abilities makes the extended quickdraw mag the best magazine for the P1911 pistol in PUBG. If you want your P1911 to be the best pistol possible, you need to find an extended quickdraw pistol mag as soon as possible!
Should I Use A Pistol Suppressor on The PUBG P1911 Pistol?

There is a false rumor tip toeing around the PUBG world that suppressors reduce the damage that a gun deals in the game. This is simply not true. Suppressors do not reduce damage at all. The only thing a suppressor does is reduce noise and completely eliminate muzzle flash when the gun is fired. If you are using a P1911 pistol in PUBG, you should definitely seek out and pick up a pistol suppressor. When using a suppressor with a P1911 pistol, it will take an enemy longer to locate you when you start firing at them. These few seconds will allow you to get a few more shots off and maybe even get the kill, before they even know where you are. The ability to fire enough shots with a pistol to kill an enemy before they locate you is invaluable.
Bottom line, if you are using the P1911 pistol and find a suppressor… use it!

Which pistol in PUBG is your favorite? Comment below and share your thoughts!