When playing Player Unknown’s Battle Grounds aka PUBG, some of the most common weapons you will come across while looting are pistols. There are a few different pistols that exist in the PUBG universe but one of the most heavily favored is the P92 pistol. This gun can be found in just about any building on any map in PUBG and fires the easy to find 9mm ammo. Some would go as far to say that either the P92 or the P1911 is the most common handgun in the game.
Keep in mind all the images in this post are from mobile but everything discussed here applies to PUBG across all platforms.

Although the P92 may not be the pistol that deals out the most damage per hit, it is certainly one of the go to handguns for thousands of professional PUBG players. Alone the P92 pistol can get the job done but there are a lot of attachments and upgrades that can turn the P92 into a much more efficient weapon. Below you will find the best attachments for the P92 pistol in PUBG.
Best Sight/ Scope For P92 Pistol in PUBG!
When it comes to choosing an optic, scope, or sight for a pistol in PUBG you don’t have many options. Basically you can choose between using the hard scope on the weapon or the Red Dot Sight in PUBG. It is a shame that the game does not allow you to use a holographic sight or a 2x Scope on a pistol.

If you have to choose between using the hard sight that is built into the gun or the red dot sight, always opt for the red dot. They are pretty easy to find around most of the maps in PUBG and they help tremendously when trying to hit an enemy player from a distance. The Red Dot sight actually does help you fire the P92 pistol more accurately and be able to hit your target easier.

We are not sure if the laser sight in PUBG qualifies as a true sight in the game but we will discuss it anyway. The laser sight adds a green laser that projects from the front of the pistol. Some people have asked if the laser sight does anything in PUBG. The answer is yes. The laser sight in PUBG helps you aim when you are not using the sight or scope (when you are in the third person perspective). It makes it slightly easier to hit your target. So if you find a laser sight for your P92 pistol pick it up. The laser sight does help.
We hope to see PUBG expand the capabilities of optics, scopes, and sights on pistols. It would be awesome to be able to use a 2x scope on a P92 pistol.
Best Mag (Magazine) For The P92 Pistol in PUBG
When it comes to attachments that can help you with reloading and ammo capacity in your beloved P92 pistol, you basically have four different routes you can take. The first route, which is not recommended, is to use the stock magazine that comes with the weapon when you pick it up. This magazine only holds 7 bullets and takes quite a while to reload when you use up the limited shots. Here is some information to help answer the question “which mag is best for the P92 pistol in PUBG?”
Extended Mag (Magazine)

One step up from the stock magazine is going to be the extended mag. The extended mag for pistols in PUBG will allow you to hold 15 bullets in the P92 which is a big step up from the 7 that the stock magazine holds. These extra shots come in extremely handy when you find yourself outgunned by an enemy in close quarters. The only downside to the extended mag is that it takes longer to reload than the stock clip which could prove deadly in some situations.
Quickdraw Mag (Magazine)

The quickdraw mag, like the extended mag, is one step up from the stock pistol magazine. Instead of increasing the capacity of your P92, it shortens the amount of time it takes to reload once you run out of bullets. The quickdraw magazine only holds 7 bullets in the P92 but it is very valuable when you need to get reloaded quickly and start returning fire to the enemy.
Some players are torn between the extended mag and the quickdraw mag. Many players have asked us whether they should use a quickdraw mag or an extended mag if they have to choose between the two. Our answer is always the same. It is up to your personal preference. Depending on the style of player you are either one has its advantages and disadvantages. Use both and see which one fits your style of play in PUBG better. The real solution is to combine the two and that is what you can do when you find an Extended Quickdraw mag in PUBG.
Extended Quickdraw Mag (Magazine)

The extended quickdraw magazine combines the strengths of both the extended mag and the quickdraw mag to create the king of all pistol magazines if you will. The extended quickdraw mag in PUBG is the best magazine in the game for pistols. This magazine increases your magazine capacity to 15 bullets while also shortening the amount of time it takes to reload once those 15 shots have been expended.
If you are using the P92 pistol, the best magazine in PUBG is the Extended quickdraw magazine. They are a little harder to come across than the other two types of magazines but they are still on the common side. You can typically find one within the first two minutes of the game if you are dead set on finding it. Again, if you want your P92 pistol to be the best pistol in PUBG, get the extended quickdraw mag!
Should I Use a Suppressor on The P92 Pistol in PUBG?

Suppressors in PUBG are, in most peoples opinion, the best barrel attachment for any gun in the game. Suppressors eliminate the barrel flash completely. This allows you to fire the weapon without the enemy seeing your exact location. The suppressor also changes the sound that is made by the gun. On the P92 the suppressor makes a satisfying sound up close but the enemy will barely be able to hear it and will have more trouble locating where the shots are being fired from.
Contrary to popular belief, the suppressor does not decrease the damage. This means you will still be able to utilize all the damage that the P92 has to offer. It may not be a lot but it is enough to bring down enemies in close quarters. If you have to choose between having the suppressor and not having the suppressor on the P92 pistol in PUBG, pretty much all of us here at EGO agree that having the suppressor on your pistol is always better.
Best P92 Pistol Configuration in PUBG
So if we had to make the best attachment configuration for the P92 pistol in PUBG here is what we would go with:

For a sight we would opt to use the red dot sight. The only other option is the hard sight on the P92. The red dot sight will make it easier to hit your target. For the magazine or mag, we would go with the extended quickdraw mag. This mag will allow the P92 to hold more bullets and even reload faster once the bullets are spent. Last but not least if you are trying to make the best P92 configuration in PUBG, you need to find a pistol suppressor. The pistol suppressor is the easiest suppressor to find in the game so it shouldn’t be too difficult to put the dream P92 pistol together.

What is your favorite attachment for the P92 pistol in PUBG? Share your thoughts by commenting below! Also be sure to join EGO and follow us on Instagram for exclusive updates!
Best Attachments For P1911 Pistol in PUBG – EGO
[…] carries one; whether they intend to or not. Two of the most common pistols in the PUBG include the P92 pistol and the P1911 pistol. Both of these pistols are very common and used quite frequently in the game. […]